Reviewing alerts helps you maintain an accurate and detailed seizure record, which is useful information to share with your doctor. For every alert triggered, you’ll be asked if it was a convulsive seizure, and can also add any notes you’d like to remember about the seizure. Watch our video to see how it works!
Below, we’ll explain step by step how to use the feature.
After Embrace triggers an alert, the Alert app will ask you to review the alert. You can review it when you see the screen, or later at a more convenient time.
If you choose to review now, you'll be asked if the alert was a convulsive seizure. You can select either Yes, No, or Not sure.
Selecting No
If the event detected by your Embrace wasn’t a seizure, select No. Then, you’ll be asked what you were doing when the alert was triggered. Select one from the list, or add your own by tapping Other. The alert will then be classified as Not a Seizure, and will not flow to the Mate app.
Selecting Not Sure
If some days have passed since the alert was triggered, it’s possible that you may not remember whether it was indeed a convulsive seizure or not. For these types of situations, you can select Not sure. After this, you’ll be asked why you aren’t sure, and the alert will be classified as Not sure. It will flow to the Mate App, in case you want to discuss it with your doctor later.
Selecting Yes
If you selected Yes, you’ll have the opportunity to enter the duration. If you didn’t have a witness, or if you’re a caregiver and couldn’t time it, you can select I don’t remember (you can always edit this later). After this, you can add any notes you’d like to remember about the seizure. For example, you might want to note how you were feeling before the seizure, and what physical manifestations occurred during the seizure. Once this step is complete, the alert will be saved as Convulsive Seizure, and will flow to the Mate app.
Pending alerts
You’ll have 30 days to review alerts from the date they were triggered, and you can find them at the top of the Alerts section of the app along with the total number to review. If you’re not able to review them within 30 days, they’ll disappear from the Alerts section, as the app will have assumed they’re not actual seizures.
Editing alerts
If you accidentally made a mistake in your review, you can simply find the alert in the list, and tap on edit to make the necessary changes.
Jump to Mate
We've added a speedy way to get to Mate, just by tapping the top bar in the Alerts tab. This way, right after you confirm an alert as a seizure, you can see it displayed in Mate. This is important because Mate also allows you to see detailed stats on how much rest and physical activity you're getting, and add any undetected seizures.