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If you are a Study Participant, contact your Administrator directly as information in the Support Center is intended for qualified researchers and healthcare professionals. Misapplying the information below may affect your data collection.

How to receive a donated or discounted Embrace

Getting Embrace into the hands of those who need it most, regardless of income level, is extremely important to us. We are constantly looking for and meeting with organizations to partner with on this endeavor.

Below are the charities we are currently partnering with. You can reach out to them to inquire about the possibility of getting a donated or discounted Embrace. 



Epilepsy Foundation New England (supporting only NH, ME, MA, and RI)

Danny Did

Chelsea Hutchison Foundation

Isaiah Stone Foundation

Hearts of Epilepsy

Connecticut Epilepsy Advocate 

Epilepsy Alliance Louisiana

Josh Provides

Epilepsy Foundation Connecticut



Epilepsy Action Australia

Epilepsy Western Australia



BC Epilepsy Society



Epilepsy Ireland




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9:00am to 1:00pm EST