Are you a study participant?
If you are a Study Participant, contact your Administrator directly as information in the Support Center is intended for qualified researchers and healthcare professionals. Misapplying the information below may affect your data collection.

Downloading the Mate App

You can download the Mate App on your iOS or Android devices here.

Before you download the Mate App, please make sure that:

- You have installed iOS 10 or Android 5.0 or higher on your smartphone

- You have the latest Embrace Firmware version. How do I upgrade Embrace firmware?

- You have the latest Alert App: How do I update the Alert App version?


The Mate App is dependent on the Alert App for data retrieval, so it's important to always have the latest versions of both apps on your smartphone.

Note: A subscription is required for Mate to show automatically detected general tonic-clonic seizures. Without a subscription plan, rest and activity tracking will still be available, with the Alert App installed.

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