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If you are a Study Participant, contact your Administrator directly as information in the Support Center is intended for qualified researchers and healthcare professionals. Misapplying the information below may affect your data collection.

How to check if Embrace is working properly - Research

To check if everything is working correctly, open the Mate App and take a look at the Embrace icon on the top right of the screen. The ideal status is a fixed green badge on the Embrace icon, indicating that Embrace is connected to Mate. Different colors represent the different Mate statuses. A green dot means that everything is working fine.



Other statuses that you may encounter:

  • Embrace is disconnected
  • Memory full
  • Battery low
  • No internet connection

TIP: Tapping on the Embrace icon on the top right will lead you to the My Embrace page. On this page, you will be able to see a more detailed view of the current status of your Embrace.

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