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If you are a Study Participant, contact your Administrator directly as information in the Support Center is intended for qualified researchers and healthcare professionals. Misapplying the information below may affect your data collection.

My physical activity stats are inaccurate

Embrace detects walking and running. When there is a significant amount of movement, but distance remains relatively low, it classifies this as sport.

It takes at least 5 consecutive minutes of walking for the activity to be classified. For running and sport, the threshold is 10 minutes

Therefore, if you walk 3 minutes around your house, you will not see it as “walking” on the graph. However, it will be reflected in the total step count for the day. 


High and low intensity activity

Embrace calculates physical activity based on wrist movement. This means that intense activities such as weight lifting , yoga or spinning, may not be classified as high intensity. 


Distance displayed is not exact

Mate's calculations may differ from your GPS fitness tracker because the data is computed using wrist accelerometer data. It does not contain GPS functionalities. 

Beyond this it also takes into account the step count, distance, height, and gender to calculate the distance. 

If you have a very small or large stride this could affect the calculation of the distance. In this case, it may be more rely on the step count. 

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