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Monitoring Participant Digital Biomarkers

Where the Care App and Care Portal are mentioned, the articles in the Support Center refer to both the professional Plan (Care Lab App and Care Lab Portal) and the enterprise Plan (Care App and Care Portal), unless indicated otherwise.

The availability of Care Portal access on enterprise is defined by the study configuration. For further information on your study configuration, talk to your Study team or account manager.

Digital biomarkers are an objective measurement and indicator of physiologic and pathologic processes. The Care Portal allows researchers to remotely monitor and manage Participants’ collected digital biomarkers.

Using the Care Portal, study team members can ensure EmbracePlus is worn correctly, observe collected digital biomarkers, and download data for in-depth analysis.

The ‘Digital Biomarkers’ page, accessible from the Side Navigation Menu, provides an overview of the participants.

For each participant, this page shows the following information:

  • PARTICIPANT FULL ID: Formatted as OrgID-StudyID-SiteID-ParticipantID
  • STATUS: Waiting, Monitoring, Paused, Early Term, Full Term
  • DATA SYNC: The timestamp of the last digital biomarker uploaded
  • PULSE RATE: The last received Pulse Rate value
  • SKIN TEMP: The last received Skin Temperature value


You can check a specific participant by clicking on the participant’s row, or hover over the 3 dots, and click on the person icon to enter the detailed view of a single participant.



Participant View

In the Participant View, you will find the following information at the very top:

  • PARTICIPANT FULL ID: Formatted as OrgID-StudyID-SiteID-ParticipantID
  • STATUS: Waiting, Monitoring, Paused, Early Term, Full Term
  • S/N LAST PAIRED EMBRACEPLUS: Serial Number of the last paired device


Hover over the info circle    next to each category to view a breakdown of the information.

Click on the question mark   in the top-right corner to find more information about the participant’s use of the Empatica Health Monitoring Platform.

The following information will be displayed:

    • Vendor: Vendor of the device
    • Model: Model of the device
    • Serial: Serial number of the device
    • Firmware: Firmware version of the device
    • Paired: Timestamp of the last Bluetooth pairing
    • Battery: Current battery percentage
    • Free memory: Current percentage of available on-board memory
    • Updated: Timestamp of the last received battery and free memory information
  • APP
    • Platform: OS of the phone used
    • App version: Currently installed app version
    • Updated: Timestamp of the last app update



Below the participant details section, it is possible to select the time frame of interest and its precision.



Clicking on the date allows the selection of a custom date range.
By clicking on the arrows to the right, you can move the date range to the previous or next time frame. For example, if your date range is set to the ‘last week’, clicking on the left arrow will move your view to the previous 7-day range.


Time frame and precision availability depend on the current study configuration.

All the data shown on this page uses the current Participant’s time zone.
If the Care Portal user has a different time zone than the active participant they are viewing, a warning will be shown at the top of the page detailing the time zone difference.

The availability of digital biomarkers in the Care App and the Care Portal is defined by the study configuration. For further information on which digital biomarkers are visible for your study configuration, talk to your Study team or account manager.

Depending on the current plan and study configuration, the list of available Digital biomarkers for visualization is as follows:

  • Wearing time
  • Pulse Rate
  • Skin Temperature
  • SPO2  enterprise
  • Electrodermal Activity (EDA)
  • Steps  enterprise
  • Accelerometer standard deviation
  • Respiratory Rate


The ‘Minute’ visualization features the data plotted minute-by-minute with a 6/12h median.



The ‘Hour’ and ‘Day’ visualizations offer data in a by-hour or by-day fashion respectively.
Each graph includes an informative legend that corresponds to the digital biomarker data displayed.
Graphs include an informative legend that might differ depending on the type of visualization.
You can hover the mouse over a bar to visualize the specific values.


Multiple devices

If a participant used multiple EmbracePlus devices during their data collection period, a warning triangle will be shown next to the Serial Number.
Device information from both devices will also be shown in the ‘Hardware Used’ section.


Digital Biomarker data shown in the Care Portal is not reliable if the same Participant ID is used to collect data from multiple devices during the same time period.
We recommend always ensuring a different Participant ID is used for each participant if multiple devices are being used at the same time.

Monitoring data is still kept separately in the S3 Data Bucket with both the Participant ID, and Serial Number of the device used for recording.

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