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If you are a Study Participant, contact your Administrator directly as information in the Support Center is intended for qualified researchers and healthcare professionals. Misapplying the information below may affect your data collection.

How the Ecosystem works

The Embrace2 for Research is a reliable system created to facilitate smooth data collection and clinical trial management. The system will be used by:



As a researcher, you will have full control and an overview of the whole course of monitoring the subject in the Research Portal. You will be able to create and enroll subjects, easily monitor their data compliance, and conclude the subject’s participation. Moreover, you can download sensor and/or summary data, as well as check subjects’ reports.



Subjects will be wearing the Embrace2 watch, which will be constantly collecting physiological data using its sensors. This data will then be transmitted to the Mate App on the paired smartphone through Bluetooth connectivity.


The Mate App is a consumer-grade app that is designed to support physiological data collection, while also functioning as a diary. Subjects will be able to mark relevant events as directed by the study, or as a way to provide insight to their daily state. Data is automatically uploaded to the Research Portal using internet  connection.


The data is then processed and sent back to the Mate App for visualization, so subjects can track their rest and physical activity.

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