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Managing Caregivers

The Caregiver will be the person responsible for providing assistance when EpiMonitor alerts for a potential generalized tonic-clonic seizure. Although the alerts can be delivered to caregivers at any distance, we suggest that caregivers are nearby so that they are able to assist in a timely manner. Caregivers do not need to have internet connection, and they should not install the EpiMonitor App on their phone. The only thing they need is a phone with cellular network coverage.

The number of Caregivers that can be activated varies based on the subscription plan you choose. To know more about our available plans and the features they offer, you can refer to this article: EpiMonitor Subscription Plans.


To add a Caregiver:



Look for the EpiMonitor App and open it


Tap Caregivers



Tap Add Caregiver


Enter or select the required information, then tap Save



A confirmation message will pop up, indicating that the caregiver was successfully added



Please note that all the fields must be filled with valid information, otherwise you won’t be able to proceed to the next step.

The country code prefix will only have to be added to its specific field. The remaining digits of the phone number will have to be entered in the Phone field.


You can activate and deactivate caregivers at any point in time based on who’s available and nearby. For example in the case of children, the parents could be activated as caregivers in the morning, the school nurse at school during school hours, the nanny after school and the parents at night. This ensures that the EpiMonitor user is covered at all times and a caregiver can assist, if needed.

You need to have at least one Caregiver activated so that they can be notified when EmbracePlus detects a possible generalized tonic-clonic seizure. If there is no active caregiver, the EpiMonitor App will show an error with a red background and the EmbracePlus will show an error state.

You can activate and deactivate a Caregiver by tapping on the toggle button next to their name: if the toggle is teal, the caregiver is active; if the toggle is grey, the caregiver is inactive.



Teal toggle: active caregiver. Grey toggle: inactive caregiver.



To delete a Caregiver:


Look for the EpiMonitor App and open it


Tap Caregivers and select the one you would like to delete



Tap Remove


Confirm the action by tapping Yes



Temporarily deactivating a Caregiver

You can temporarily deactivate a caregiver by toggling the switch off. This action suspends notifications to the caregiver without removing their details from the system.





Subscription Plan Limits


Basic Plan Standard Plan Plus Plan
You can add a maximum of one active Caregiver

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