Before you enroll a new subject into your study, please make sure that you have completed the following checklist:
- The Embrace2 that the subject will use is fully charged.
- The subject’s smartphone/iPod that will be paired with the Embrace2 is charged.
- The Mate App is downloaded on to the paired device.
- Make sure you have the correct Subject ID associated with the patient at hand:
- Create a subject in the Research Portal and enter the Subject ID.
- Log the subject in to the Mate App by using the unique uploader credentials generated (QR code or unique email address and password).
- Follow the onboarding guide on the Mate App to make sure that Embrace2 is successfully paired.
- Your subject is set up, you can provide them with the subject-facing manual for the study, and they are all set!
You can download and print the checklist here: Research Subject Enrollment Checklist